Tag Archives: France

Things that happened in France

The Longest Day

Alas the time came to return to reality. Although we all agree we have had enough of hotel living we all do not want to go home. A little melancholy but the end of one trip means it is time to plan the next…

Being Saturday the drive to De Gaulle Airport was quick, however our driver mentioned that this was the beginning of vacation for many locals and the airport would be crowded, especially our terminal.  And as we exited the Autoroute it was obvious he was correct, traffic turned bad (bouchon would be the correct term in French I believe). But it was quickly obvious that our our experienced driver had the answer in hand as well taking what appeared to be a circuitous route thru De Gaulle he managed to bypass the majority of the traffic easily and earned himself a larger tip. And credit to the Air France and CDG staffs working the airport on this Saturday, the crowded terminal was handled quite efficiently and we advanced thru the (busy) departure process quickly.

Again an easy crossing, an 11+ hour flight went by in a snap. We (and I mean we) do not understand why these long haul flights seem to get easier as time goes on, Syd said the return flight was shorter than the outbound flight but in fact the opposite was true. Our flight was the first of two daily Air France flights between CDG and SFO (I believe it is two)  meaning early day activities for all in Paris but it also means afternoon arrival at home, enough time to unpack and relax in a semi civilized manner. Coincidentally upon arriving home the 1960s movie classic ‘The Longest Day‘ was on HDNM reminding us that not everyone who visited the parts of France we did had the same experience we did, albeit via Hollywood.

And the cats are pissed. Good, means we have been away.

Our trips would not be what they are without the support of Nancy and Les Burger and their crew at Ladera Travel in Menlo Park. Knowledgeable and patient, they respond to our every question quickly. Thanks Nancy, Les and crew, you turn our questions into destinations. Next year west of San Francisco perhaps?  🙂


It's morning in Paris...
It’s morning in Paris…


Last few days. Sigh… It is quite warm and sunny here in Paris so we are managing to end the trip with the opposite type of weather from the start.

The last time we were in Paris I snuck out one morning to visit Père Lachaise Cemetery one morning and when Kim saw the pictures and made me promise to take her there on the next trip. Voilà! Your wish is my command on this trip. Funny visiting the cemetery in a hot afternoon vs a cool and foggy morning. More people, less walking dead feelings… Still a fascinating place, the richness and variety of the monuments are something not to be missed. I showed them the ‘highlights’, Wilde, Piaf, Bernhart, Bernhardt, Marceau and Morrison. And as I said two years ago, take the Metro 3 and get off at Gambetta vs the Père Lachaise station, the cemetery is on a hill and starting at Gambetta and the back entrance of the cemetery will allow you to walk down hill for most of your visit. Trust me, I saw many red faced visitors walking up the hill and this way is easier.

After the cemetery we took a walk thru Le Marais ending with a quick visit to Notre Dame in time to catch the evening mass. C’est la vie!

The internet has enabled many things since we started to travel, right now Syd is on Animal Jam and iChatting with one of her friends live and the fact that there are 9 time zones and 5500 miles does not seem to matter. All instant Syd says. The (first) world is truly a network.

Walking thru Cimetiere du Pere-Lachaise.
Walking thru Cimetiere du Pere-Lachaise.
Oscar Wilde
Oscar Wilde
Edith Piaf.
Edith Piaf.
Victor Noir who was shot by the great-nephew of Napoleon III.
Victor Noir who was shot by the great-nephew of Napoleon III.
Walking in the columbarium.
Walking in the columbarium.
Frédéric Chopin
Frédéric Chopin
The two great actresses finally meet.
The two great actresses finally meet.
Jim Morrison.
Jim Morrison.
Walking thru Cimetiere du Pere-Lachaise.
Walking thru Cimetiere du Pere-Lachaise.
A free summer concert at l'Hôtel de Ville.
A free summer concert at l’Hôtel de Ville.
Evening mass at Notre Dame.
Evening mass at Notre Dame.
A ritual for every visit to Notre Dame.
A ritual for every visit to Notre Dame.